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Daniel Simpson

Daniel Simpson

County Extension Director and Extension Agent, Agriculture - Horticulture Pamlico County
Street Address: 13724 NC Highway 55
Alliance, NC 28509
Mailing Address: 13724 A NC Highway 55
Bayboro, NC 28515

Job Description Areas of responsibilities include: Master Gardener Coordinator, Beekeeping, consumer/commercial horticulture, pesticide coordinator, and field crops.

Recent Posts by Daniel Simpson

mole coming up from the ground

Moles in the Lawn

Moles have been a consistent problem this spring as mild winter temperatures have accelerated their activity. Tunneling by moles …

water sprinkler spraying water on green grass lawn

Choosing the Right Lawn Grass

Pamlico Extension has received numerous inquiries this past month in regards to lawn choices for our local landscape. To …

Image of a grape vine after it has been pruned

Pruning Muscadine Grapes

Pruning grape vines is an essential chore if you wish to produce an abundant crop for many years. Vines …

Cover photo for The Flowering Poinsettia & Its Care

The Flowering Poinsettia & Its Care

Original Author – Dr. Brian Whipker N.C. State Extension History of the Poinsettia The poinsettia has a long history of cultivation …

Cover photo for Pamlico 4-H Agent Kait Neeland Wins Awards

Pamlico 4-H Agent Kait Neeland Wins Awards

Ms. Neeland accepting awards at 2023 Southeast District Extension Winter Professional Development Meeting. From left: Dean Garey Fox NC State University, …

Group of purple grape hyacinth flowers in bloom

Spring Bulbs in November

Taken from article written by Jessica Strickland, N.C. Cooperative Extension, Wayne County Center agent. “Daffodils in Early Spring” by enneafive …

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